Naman Agrawal

Naman Agrawal is a director of engineering at the Office of Innovation. He focuses on building technology that is accessible, user-focused, and tackles human problems, and works on products that help New Jerseyans access government services more efficiently. Naman also mentors engineers and facilitates opportunities to grow the discipline within the Office.
Prior to joining the Office of Innovation, Naman worked at a multinational technology company on their connectivity analytics team. There, he worked on a data visualization platform that helped mobile network operators improve internet connectivity for people around the globe. He was also an adjunct lecturer at the New Jersey Institute of Technology, where he redesigned and taught an undergraduate course on software engineering as part of a program to better prepare students underrepresented in tech for the industry.
Naman received his undergraduate degree in computer science from Columbia University. Although not a native New Jerseyan, he’s always been a river away having grown up in Delaware. With a commitment to social justice, Naman also serves as a technical volunteer for the Hindus for Human Rights advocacy group. Outside of work, Naman likes to read about South Asian politics, play the piano, and explore restaurants for the realest fake meat out there.